Installation Guide

Install with pip (easy)

In Ubuntu, PyDART2 can be easily installed using PyPI - the Python Package Index. The default Python environment is assumed to be Python3, although PyDART2 is also available in Python2.

The first step is to install DART 6.0.1 (You can skip this if you already have it!). Please use your favorite method to install DART, such as, ..

sudo apt-add-repository ppa:dartsim
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libdart6-all-dev

Please refer the official DART installation document (<>) when you have problems.

The next step is to install SWIG, pip3, and PyQt4.

They can be installed by the following command:

sudo apt-get install swig python3-pip python3-pyqt4 python3-pyqt4.qtopengl

The final step is to install PyDART2 using pip3.

sudo pip3 install pydart2

All done! Please enjoy the simulation.

$ python3
>>> import pydart2 as pydart
>>> pydart.init(verbose=True)
Msg  [pydart2_api] Initialize pydart manager OK

For Python2 users, please apply the following commands:

sudo apt-get install swig python-pip python-qt4 python-qt4-dev python-qt4-gl
sudo pip install pydart2

Install from source code

Sometimes, you want to edit source codes by yourself. For the following steps, I assumed that you already installed the required packages - swig, pip, PyQt4, and so on.

First, please check out the repository.

git clone
cd pydart2

The next step is to compile the package using

python build build_ext

The final step is to install the python package as a development.

python develop

Install using CMake (Old-style)

I also wrote CMakeLists.txt, which is an old-style cross compilation system used in the original PyDART.